Carpet Church

May 25 — June 15, 2024

Opening Night:

Saturday, May 25 at 6:00pm

with Lynny’s Open Late

Elissa Ussery and Beth Schindler are long-time collaborators in Austin, Texas, who create fictional yet familiar worlds that focus on traditionally straight spaces. Previous collaborative works include Jonathans and Plum Crazies. 

On May 25th, Elissa Ussery and Beth Schindler will present "Carpet Church," a reinterpretation of traditional religious spaces, offering an opportunity for individuals to explore the concept of straight world cosplay. Their approach reconstructs familiar environments often inaccessible to the queer community, fostering inclusivity and belonging in unexpected settings.

Acknowledging the prevalent trauma and shame associated with conventional religious and spiritual settings, especially for queer individuals, Carpet Church offers a platform to rediscover and empower oneself through play. While our approach to Carpet Church is lighthearted, we believe in the significance of reclaiming these spaces as a form of liberation and self-affirmation.

What to except: dunking booth baptisms, daycare, bake sale, full bar, “preaching”, praising, confessional, choir (maybe), karaoke, live music, LYNNY’S, glazed doughnuts, carpet for days

Elissa Ussery (she/her) is the creator of Chuggy’s Christmas, Monchichi in Space, Hellchug, Tassy’s bedroom bar, and Poachers Bar. Elissa does have a job and lives in Texas. 

Beth Schindler (she/her) is an artist, producer and curator living and working in Austin, TX. Working in textiles, video, photography and found materials, creating ephemeral installations and performance. She has shown her work in Austin, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Marfa, D.C. and San Francisco. 

Former founding member of Homo Photo Club, QueerBomb and OUTsider Festival. She is the President of MASS Gallery and is focused on turning it into the gayest community art space possible. Crafting space for Dykes and queers are her life's work and love language, with events like Dyke Bar, Jonathan’s, Cool Adult Rec Center Lock-In, Lesbian Wedding, Lesbian Touch-Dykes You Should Know, The Austin Dyke March and Free & Queer Cinema.